Microwave Plasma Chemical
Vapor Deposition (MPCVD)
Our Businesses
We have expertise in building and running two sectors as below:
- CVD Lab Grown Diamond Production Machine with recipies of white(E,F,G colour) also yellow,pink etc. coloured diamond.
- Snow Based Theme Park( Snow Park)
- Tesla Coil based Electric Theme Park(Thunderworld)
Welcome to Kalash Advance Tech
We are a lab grown diamond company with expertise in lab grown diamonds. With our team of experts in technology and diamond field we have been serving in the industry since 2015. During our journey we have improved the quality of our diamonds to being some of the best lab grown diamonds available today in market worldwide.
Our Mission
Provide affordable diamond for common people produced by environment friendly process
Our Vision
Replace silicon as semi conductor with CVD diamond chips using environmental friendly process
CVD Growing Process
In our CVD machine diamond grow in a plasma generated by 2450Mhz frequency microwave where in CVD diamond very thin plate/chips are put as seed at very high temperature hydrogen and carbon source gas feed in system.
Where in ionization occure and carbon deposited on diamond seeds and in this continuous process diamnond grow and very thin seeds make thick rough diamond as shown in below videos.
Where in ionization occure and carbon deposited on diamond seeds and in this continuous process diamnond grow and very thin seeds make thick rough diamond as shown in below videos.
Our chamber is simulated
Our Competitive Edge
Our CVD plasma chamber is well simulated with electromagnetic field were we can gain maximum area and maximum plasma intensity for large production are with better quality.
Growing Technologies
Product Gaurantee
Kalash Advance Tech
Why Choose Us
In these competitive market our chamber is simulated in such way that even if microwave frequency changes our microwave chamber tuning can be reset in few minor steps without affecting the intensity on the plasma. Our simulated design is applied for patent.
Due to so many reasons microwave frequency change at that time due to change in frequency plasma intensity affect and it directly affect diamond quality due to H+ion deficiency.
But our simulated design having option to over come this plasma frequency change and with this option we can maintain diamond quality by plasma intensity ahd H+ion concentration.
Due to so many reasons microwave frequency change at that time due to change in frequency plasma intensity affect and it directly affect diamond quality due to H+ion deficiency.
But our simulated design having option to over come this plasma frequency change and with this option we can maintain diamond quality by plasma intensity ahd H+ion concentration.